Monthly Archives: April 2017

Ek, Carene Koekemoer is die hoof van Tiny Bubbles Kleuterskool. Ons is geleë in Florentia in Alberton. Ons is ‘n trotse tweetalige Christelike Kleuterskool.

Ek het in Januarie 1996 begin as dagmoeder met 6 kinders. Die Here het ons ryklik geseën en dit vir ons moontlik gemaak om ons passie te kon uitleef en ons droom te kon vervul om ‘n kleuterskool te begin. Ons het op 1 Julie van dieselfde jaar Tiny Bubbles 1 geopen en in Februarie 2004 kon ‘n tweede afdeling, Tiny Bubbles 2 open. By Tiny Bubbles 1 is ons babas vanaf 3 maande tot en met ons 4 jaar klas. By Tiny Bubbles 2 is ons 5 jaar en Graad R klasse. Ons Graad R klas volg die CAPS kurrikulum. Al ons jonger klasse doen weeklikse temawerk en volg ELDAS kurrikulum. Elke week word kinders se lêers huistoe gestuur vir ouers om spogwerk te sien. Tiny Bubbles is geregistreer by Departement van Sosiale Ontwikkeling, Gesondheidsdepartement, asook Die Basiese Departement van Onderwys (Babas – Gr. R).

Onderwyseresse het hul kwalifikasies in NQF 4 & 5 in ‘Early Childhood Development’. Alle onderwyseresse het Noodhulp- asook Firefighting opleiding.

Ons buitemuurse aktiwiteite sluit in Swemlesse, Monkeynastix, Rekenaars en Dance Mouse. Ons kinders neem deel aan die Albertonse Kunswedstryd. Ons hou elke jaar ‘n groot Konsert en Gradeplegtigheid waar daar gewoonlik tussen 400 en 500 mense is.

Valentynsdag, Moedersdag, Vadersdag en ons Kerspartytjie gaan ook by Tiny Bubbles glad nie ongesiens verby nie.

Op 1 Julie elke jaar vier ons die kleuterskool se verjaarsdag. Die kinders het elke jaar op daardie dag groot pret. Elke verjaarsdag het reeds temas gehad soos Mickey en Minnie, Barney en Winnie the Pooh, Shrek en Fiona, 101 Dalmations en vele meer. Die skool is tans 27 jaar oud.

In alles wat ons doen kom ons leuse na vore – LIEFDE EN PERSOONLIKE AANDAG IS ONS PRIORITEIT

Ons verseker ten alle tye dat elke kind individuele liefde en aandag ontvang. Ons streef daarna om ten alle tye elke kind sosiaal, emosioneel, fisies, Geestelik en skolasties voor te berei vir hulle skoolloopbaan. Ek kan met trots sê dat ek van die beste onderwyseresse het. 


I, Carene Koekemoer, is the principal of Tiny Bubbles Nursery School. We are located in Florentia in Alberton. We are a proud bilingual Christian Nursery School. I started in January 1996 as a day mother with 6 children. The Lord has richly blessed us and made it possible for us to live our passion and fulfill our dream of starting a nursery school. We opened Tiny Bubbles 1 on 1 July of the same year and in February 2004 a second section, Tiny Bubbles 2. At Tiny Bubbles 1, we have our babies from 3 months to our 4 year class. At Tiny Bubbles 2 we have 5 years and Grade R classes. Our Grade R class follow the CAPS curriculum. All our youngers classes do weekly theme work and follow the ELDAS curriculum. Every week, children’s files are sent home for parents to view.

Tiny Bubbles is registered with the Department of Social Development, the Department of Health, as well as The Basic Department of Education (Babies – Gr. R).

Teachers completed their qualifications in NQF 4 & 5 in ‘Early Childhood Development’. All teachers have First Aid as well as Firefighting training.

Our extra-mural activities include Swimming lessons, Monkeynastix, Computers and Dance Mouse. Our children participate in the Alberton Eistedfod.

Every year we have a big Concert and Graduation Ceremony where there are usually between 400 and 500 people. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and our Christmas party also go unnoticed at Tiny Bubbles.

On 1 July each year we celebrate the nursery school’s birthday. The children have great fun every year. Every birthday had themes like Mickey and Minnie, Barney and Winnie the Pooh, Shrek and Fiona, 101 Dalmations and many more. The school is currently 27 years old.

In everything we do, our motto comes to mind – LOVE AND PERSONAL ATTENTION IS OUR PRIORITY.

We always ensure that each child receives individual love and attention. We always strive to prepare each child socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually and scholastically for their schooling career. I can proudly say that I have some of the best teachers.